Look at the following picture.
Do you think that everyone can do something about how thier life turns out.
Write a well-developed 11 sentence paragraph and anaylze how
'We are the master of our fate
The Captian of our soul'
Be sure to
organize and develop your ideas effectively
- provide relevant and specific evidence from the text, picture etc...
- choose your words carefully
- edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling
This writing is due on 11/15 by midnight.
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ReplyDeleteLife, can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Having its highs and lows is not uncommon. Though it is your choice to choose whether you take the events that occur as good or bad. You may control the way you act towards some one. You have the power to choose whether you make a good grade or not. Therefore you have control over your life. Yes there will be things you have no control over. Thats life for you, it will feel like you have the world against you, the barrel of a gun pointed towards you, the pain of others forced upon you when you don't want it. Thus, what the world is doing is teaching you rights and wrongs so you can make the right choices to make your life the way you want it to be. You are the master of your soul, the captin of your ship, the General of your army. Everything you do has a purpose, everything you want is wanted for a reason. Every feeling you feel is felt for a reason. The things you feel and exprience is felt because of the choices you make. In the picture above he holds the road, spreading it behind him as he walks on. He chooses where it goes, how wide it is, if there are any cracks. You may be influenzed to do things, But ultimatly it is your choice, your decision, you shaping your fate, your destiny.
ReplyDeleteYes I do think taht people can do something about the way they life turns out. I think this becuse whatever u want to do or be you can do it. No one else can live your life,but you. Everybody is going to go down a different road than others and it might be hard for some than others. but yea you have to choose your own destiny.
ReplyDeleteEverday when I wake up in the morning I feel like I am going to deside my fate for that day!!! When a person can wake up and just not want to start the day ,I feel like that effects there fate.It can come down to the test you studied for .Or the person you would open the door for ,effects the path you may take in life .Fate has diffrent paths for everyone there was a time in my life when I thought fate had taken over my life .Like it was already sought out for me . When I was 13 years old my mother and i were driving down the highway at 10:30 that night . We were on are way home from a ag meeting from school. As we were driving a drunk driver veried into our lane . To avoid a head on collision, my mother swerved . Our car went off a imbankment flipping 3 times and coming to a hult in a mound of dirt . When I opened my eyes I knew I could'nt let someone else write my fate . Unclipping my seat belt, i fell to the celling trying to stay conscience for I knew i had to get my mother out of the car . I got my mother out of the car and called for help . That horrific day opened my eyes to show me that your fate can be impacted by others , but ultimately you be the master of your fate.
ReplyDeleteDo I think that you can change what happens to you everyday? Well of course you can! You make your own choices and decisions. For example if you choose to speed on a highway and you get pulled over, of course you could have controlled that: by NOT speeding!! Some people say all they catch is bad luck. What they don't realize is that they decided to do the wrong thing thinking that they would get away with it. As soon as their parents find out they blame it all on bad luck. Lying is the best example of choosing your own fate. When you lie, you are not telling the right story and as you lie you are hoping that your parents will not find out. But when they get any kind of suspicion about your lie, you just make up anohter lie and then another, and so on. And when they finally find out about every single lie you've told in the past 2 weeks, they ground you from your car and make you ride the bus!! So you could say that I've definitely learned from my mistakes!
ReplyDeleteI believe that everyone decides the outcome of their life. Everything that you do plays a role in finding your fate. Everyday you overcome obstacles that either make you a stronger or weaker person. You make mistakes so that you can learn from them. In the picture, by laying the road behind him, the guy shows that he is creating his own life. He is making his own decisions, and becoming his own person. In the poem Invictus, William Ernest Henley says that "We are the master of our fate, The captain of our soul." This shows that he believes that you decide how your life turns out. The choices you make are what decides the outcome of your life. No matter how big or small the obstacle may seem, it could have a huge impact. Whether your decisions are good or bad, it's your choice.
ReplyDeleteYes and no.Most of your life depends on decisions you make for yourself.Choosing the path you take depends what you have in store for you.If you go too far with bad choices you made, you can always turn it around and choose another path as long as its not to late.
ReplyDeleteThere are some things you can't control.For example: when you get sick,or accidentally fall down.Everything ends up working out in the end depending on the situation.God may decide your choices in some way, we'll never know.But for right now you are in total control of your life.
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ReplyDeleteIn life the choices you make effect the rest of your time on earth. The decisions you make today ,no matter how small, can change your life drasticaly. When life challenges you with a problem YOU have the power to make the best of it. In the picture above the little boy is draging his road behind him. This symbolizes all of the choices he has made in the past lead him to where he is now. Mr.Henley says "We are the master of our fate,The Captian of our soul". This means that only you can mold what you become.
ReplyDelete"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Imagine this. You're on a ship, in the middle of a storm and you're holding on for dear life! Although you want to survive, the thought of just letting go seems so much easier to accept. A decision has to be made. Are you going to let go, or are you going to hold on as tight as you can and fight the tide and turbulent waves that come your way? At this point, absolutely no one can tell you what to do. You decide what will happen next. You are the author of this story. This can also be applied to life in general. We decide what we want for our lives'. The picture above appears fictional if taken in a literal way, but in reality, it informs people of something deeper. "Life is our gift from God, what we do with it is our gift to Him." Life is not just our breathing, the beating of our hearts, and being conscience. It is living to be a better person everday, and striving to achieve success. It is about making tough decisions that may or may not affect you. Yes, every person decides their fate, and we only lose when we accept defeat.
ReplyDeleteWe are all masters of our soul .We determine wether the things in life will break us or make us stronger. The road in life is not always paved or straight or lit somethimes its dark bumpy and full of hills. Say for instance you lost a child that you raised for two years .You ask why me or what did I do to deserve this.Sometimes you even look for other people to blame when really there is no one to blame . The real question is are you going to let this break you or are you going to learn from this and let it stand as a wall that no one can break due to the pain and sorrow that you endured.You could also be an inspiration for others whose wall isnt quite strong yet . you will fall many times on this road but will you be able to get back up.Will you be able to stand tall or will crumble from the fall? make it a great life or not the choice is yours.
ReplyDeleteI believe that there are two sides to this story, but for the most part people have the abality to control how their life turns out. Im not saying that a person can plan their life out so precisely that they always know wats going to happen. I do believe that the decisions a person makes in their everyday lives affects them in one way or another. We may not see the direct affects of that decision right away, but it affects us wheather we know it or not. Throughout my life people have told me that life is all about decisions. As I live my life I have come to agree with this statement. Some choices are harder than others but they all matter the same in the end. Mandella states that he is the master of his fate and the captain of his soul and I think he is right. On the other hand some people that grow up in poverty dont have some of the opprotunities that other people do. These people still make decisions about there life, but i believe they dont have as much control. In the end i think everything will work out but we can help the cause along the way.
ReplyDeleteYes you can do something about how your life turns out.Because you yourself are the only one that can choose how your life turns out and if its going to be a good on or a bad one.We are the master of our fate because we are the ultimate deciders on if we live or die.Do not let others decide what you are going to do in life. Just like when you are young,if you learn alot of things and absorb the information then you will be successful, and with no issues. But if you dont then your life will end up not turning out the way you like, and you will have a hard life.What we decide to do with our lives will ultimately decide on which path we head on.It is very important especially early in life, when you are a teenager.One of the most important things when you are a teenager is to stay away from bad things and drugs so that your path you head on in life will be much easier and you will be very successful.
ReplyDeleteAlmost everything that happens with you in life is your choice. Even very small things that you might think won't impact you could have big outcomes. Some can be good, and some can be bad. You can get help for some choices that you might have to make, but ultimately it comes down to yourself making that choice or not. If you are going down the wrong path, it is not the end. You can always make better choices and get back on the right path because you are the captain of your own soul. When times get hard, you must realize their is always a good side to things. You can always better yourself and you will feel better about yourself also. As in the picture, the man chooses to make his own path because his path might involve great things that he wants to do with his life. He might be choosing his own path because all the other paths are full of bad choices and decisions. You have only yourself to blame or thank when things go wrong or right.
ReplyDeleteI think people can control how there life turns out. We can control are life because they decisions we make now stick with us forever. We have to choose whether or not were goin to finish school so we have a chance at a furture or are we going to drop out and live with are parents forever. We have the choice to go to collage to get a degree so we can find better jobs to make more money, so we can support are selves with out help from parents. You have to choose what path you want to take and how you want the rest of your life to be. You are the master of you're fate. You are the captain of you're soul. Every choice you make at a young age no matter how drastic decides you're fate later on in life. We determine if are future is bright and full of achievements and fun. Or we can choice if are future is full of hardships and a lot of work. So now its your choice what do you decide?
ReplyDeleteI believe you are the captain of your soul. If your do good things you will get good things in return. If you do bad things you will get bad things in return.We determine wether the things in life will break us or make us stronger.The choices you make effect the rest of your time on earth.Everyday you overcome obstacles that either make you a stronger or weaker person.When life challenges you with a problem YOU have the power to make the best of it.
ReplyDeleteYou are the controler of your life. you make the decisions that take you down a path. you might not know where your heading untill you get there then it is too late to turn back so you just continue, and make the best decisions you can to create a new road to travel. you are the captain of your soul ,and the master of your fate.you just have to make the road you travel a good road.
ReplyDeleteI do believe people dicide the outcome of their fate. Life is unfair and emotional but it's how people make of their issues and choices. Decisions make you wiser and more cautious. You decide everything and things fall into place on their own, whether it's what you wanted or not. Even if everything you made your mind up about is wrong, there is always experiance and lessons learned.
ReplyDeleteI believe that everyone has the power to control their own lives. It is their choice to decide how it turns out. Like they say there is always a choice. The consequences from those actions are what make a person who they are. People need to learn from their mistakes and change the way they live if they want to really be in control of there lives. For instance, in the picture above the boy is carrying his road. The road could represent the actions the boy had taken. That road follows him because his actions follow him. Only he can control where the road goes. The road could also represent his soul because he controls the road like he controls his soul. No one else can change the direction of the road but him.
ReplyDeleteI belive that everyone is the master of their fate, and captin of their soul. No one but yourself can control your life and your destiny. The decisions you make and the mistakes you make only make you grow stronger and wiser. You should not regret the things that you have done because, they teach you a lesson that you will remember for the rest of your life.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is capable of deciding the way their lives turn out. For some, the journey may be difficult, but with perseverance you can do anything you put your mind to. In the photo we see the boy pulling a road behind himself. The road symbolizes his life story and all of his decisions. At the end of William Ernest Henley's poem Invictus he said, "I am the master of my fate,I am the Captian of my soul." That is a quote every human being should live by. There are many things that influence our decisions, but it is all on us to decide the outcome.
ReplyDeleteOf course you can control your life. As you see in the picture the boy is carrying his own road. Our life is that road and you just have to be strong enough to carry it the right direction. Many dont know what the right way really is, but in reality there are so many people and so many decisions made that you can watch yourself and learn from what these people have done, and what you can do to prevent from anything bad happening you. Every one is capable of making the right decision and yes you well have some bumps on the way but thats just what you need to learn, get over it, and move on.
ReplyDeleteI believe people can make their own choices and forge their own path. Where those paths end, however, can only be determined by He who weaved the threads of fate together to create our lives. A man has many choices in his life he must face, should he not be free to choose? A man I heard once said: "This is my story." Those words have lead me to believe that you can control your fate completely though looking at the matter from another perspective one can say that only a God can determine our lives. As I have said before: We are free to choose. "Mater of my heart, captain of my soul." Those words ring true for many people, myslef included.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone can control the outcome of their lives. People make decisions everyday and those are the choices that make or brake us. Just like if you choose to finish school or not and graduate. That will predict if you will have an successful future. If you graduate high school then you have a better chance of having a better job than not graduating. And that is including goin to college. You have to make big choices and even small choices everything you do is up to you. No one can make those choices for you and nothing will be mapped out for you just to go. That's when you choose. Like if you choose to take drugs all your life and not get any where that's your choice nobody told you do that. Everything will effect you in life rather its a good outcome or bad it is all up to you.
ReplyDeletei believe that you can control your own life however you want.Everyone make their own decisions and as your making them you learn from your mistakes. GO BRAHMAS WE IN THIS THANG TAKING STATE BABY AND ILY MRS.WALLER ;)
ReplyDeleteWe do have control over our fate. When God created us he gave us the power of choice.We determine our choices. god determines the outcome of them. It's the choices in life that we make that determine where we will end up. I'm sure you've heard the saying if you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there? Well to avoid taking the road to anywhere, you need to make the best decisions for you. Every now and then you may come across deciding the wrong things, but mistakes happen and they make you who you are. They way your life turns out is all down to destiny and fate. Fate is something you have no control of. Like say you were born in the state of Nevada, you had no choice in that. But destiny is something you strive for, it greatness, it what you want in you wildest dreams. Your destiny is in the power of your hands. If you dont choose to make something out of you self, then you will be nothing. If you carry yourself around will your head bowed down and your standerds lowered, people will no that you dont care about what happens and you have no life goals for youself. In the moral of this, we do determine what we can and can not do in our lives and where we will or will not go.
ReplyDeleteCan someone control their own fate? I believe so if that particular person does whats best for him then good things will. On the other hand if that person does negative things then only bad thngs will come to him/her. To control your fate you have to make choices in life rather them being good or bad choices its up to you. If you set goals for yourself and you do everything that is needed to reach that goal then you will most likely achieve what you set out to do. There are a lot of things a person can do to control the outcome of their life but they have to make the right choice if they wish for good thngs to happen.
ReplyDeleteI believe that everyone decides the outcome of their life. Everyday you are faced with obstacles that you have to overcome. As you look at the picture above, the boy is carrying the road with him and this shows that he is strong enough to make his own decisions. Most people these days follow in other peoples foot steps even though they are wrong. If people would just realize to be their own person, they could accomplish more things in their life. Our life is full of many struggles, some for the worst and some for the best. Some people end up making the wrong decisions and they wonder why their life is so messed up. The choices we make is what decides the outcome of your life. Be your OWN person and decide what happens in YOUR life! Even though you might end up being wrong, at least you know you are the one controlling what happens in your life.
ReplyDeleteYou always see those commercials on tv that show someone helping someone else in need. There is always that one person in the background that witnesses it and eventually helps some other random person in need. When I see those commercials it makes me realize how you can change a persons day, week, or life by doing something little and insignificant. Thats why i think that you can change your fate because it only takes one thing to make a difference. I can change my own fate by doing something that i choose to do or not so why wouldnt everyone be able to do the same?
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, life is what you make of it. The keyword is, you. All the choices are made by you. All the consequences that come from the choices are suffered by you. You are in charge of how your life turns out to be. Some people don't have the privelages of others that is true, but others in your same predicament have figured out their way around it. In that case, so can YOU. People just have to remember to make their decisions in a smart way. The decisions that they will be making determines their path of life. The path that is created is made by them ,and all the choices that were all in control by you. You want your path to be pretty straight forward right? Paths with potholes, lots of rocks, and curves is never a path that someone would choose to take over a straight smooth one. Try to straighten it out starting now. Even if you already have a few curvs in your path, you can always start off from where you are. Whether you are doing bad or you are doing good, people are going to continue to talk about you. Your life is your life, so why not make it a good one?
ReplyDeleteI believe that what the autor means about "we are the master of out fates" is because our life is based after the decisons we make. Good decision equal a good life. Bad decisions equal a bad life. Everything we do is practically a choice. If you kill someone you go to jail.
ReplyDeleteLife can smile or frown, but only you can decide how to take it. No one knows exactly what their life will be like. It is filled with many decisions that only you can decide yourself, but there are also decisions that are out of our reach. Decisions that only God can make. Life is a gift to us from Him. We choose what to do with it, we choose our paths. Sometimes decision making can be hard , but we have influences that help us. The direction we choose is the one ment to be. Things happen for a reason. They happen for our good, and sometimes to make us stronger. Fate is the way our life happens but we decide how to manage it.
ReplyDeleteI think everybody can make there own decisions. Like the quote said "We're the master of our fate and the master of our souls." People control there lives. The people these days always make bad decisions like Burk using him as an example(just kidding). People need somebody to help them with there problems. If there would be more counsler's more people would be less depresed. Less people would be in prison. Some humans need others to choose there fate for them. This class is amazing and fun. Thank you Mrs. Waller. I like computers thanks.
ReplyDeleteOnly one person can decide their own fate; that is yourself. If you choose to do bad things in your life then you have chosen a bad fate. Life filled with many decisions that you can only decide for yourself. There are also decisions that we can't make for ourselves. For example, our parents have control of our fate from the moment of birth to th emoment when you can decides and make choices for yourself. We must depend on others in our life at times, but you must always think of YOUR life and how a bad or good decisiion may effect YOU. Those times might be tough if you are a person who always thinks of others first. All in all, your destiny is 100% yours. Live it the right way or mess it up; its your choice.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone is incharge of their own life. They make their own decions and action on their own all the time. Unless your unable to or too young to take upon your own actions. People should be responsible of their lifes and how they take it along. When people make bad choices in their life it is not other peoples fault, it is their own action that they caused and need to take care of. If your life is good and problem free. Then you are doing great with your life and need too incourage other people to make theirs wonderful too. Some people are greedy and selfish of there lifes. Like rich and famous people. They will never know how it is to be normal and not rude and inconsiderate of other people that struggle through daily life. It should be best to live life with love and peace so that everyone will be happy and careing.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion we have everything to do with how our life turns out. If you make a mistake no matter how big or small it is, it is still a mistake and it is your responsibility and no one elses. You are the one who makes the decisions for yourself, and it is up to you in how you deal with the consequences. Everything that you do will stay with you forever. It is between you and god how everything turns out, but you still choose what path you take. It is your fate and your are the "Master of your fate the Captin of your soul. Some of the choices that you have to make can be harder than others but you still have to do the best that you can. It makes you prepared for other mistakes. It even makes you stronger for what other things come your way. The picture symbolizes everything that has happened he is taking with him. All the decisions that he made will stay with him forever and will alwyas be his responsibility to take care of.
ReplyDeleteI believe that we all have the ability to make our own decisions and go on the right path, but its how we decide our fate that changes the path. Many people want to have the best life that they can have but choose to go for it the wrong way. They choose to steal, cheat and lie to get the best things in life. But what is really the best in life is the little things, those moments that make you smile and laugh just thinking about it. Looking at an old photo or watching a family home video and wondering 'what ould we have done if we lived it differently'. It should be those moments that make you choose the right path and make the better decisions. For those who say 'that never happens to me' than make it happen. Start your life on a clean new road and live life to the fullest. And then look back and think 'I'm glad i didn't steal at that age' and be happy you didn't end up in prison. Be the better person that you know you are and do something right for someone or something important to you.
ReplyDelete"We are the master of our fate
ReplyDeleteThe Captain of our soul" is completely right. Everybody has the opportunity to be the captain of their own ship. Your choices in life will affect how you turn out in this world. When people make good decisions then you will usually live a good life. If you choose to make bad decisions all the time then you will find yourself with a bad life with a lot of consequences. You start to be the captain of your fate when your born. If you do everything your supposed to do then you will be a very succesful person. Nobody should blame their mistakes on anybody with themselves. They didnt make you do that, you did. You chose to steal, kill, cheat, or lie. If you want to do something specific in your life then you can. You just have to make the right choices.
I believe that everyone decides the outcome of their life. Everything that you do plays a role in finding your fate. Everyday you overcome obstacles that either make you a stronger or weaker person. You make mistakes so that you can learn from them. In the picture, by laying the road behind him, the guy shows that he is creating his own life. He is making his own decisions, and becoming his own person. In the poem Invictus, William Ernest Henley says that "We are the master of our fate, The captain of our soul." This shows that he believes that you decide how your life turns out. The choices you make are what decides the outcome of your life. No matter how big or small the obstacle may seem, it could have a huge impact. Whether your decisions are
ReplyDeleteI believe that there are two sides to this story, but for the most part people have the abality to control how their life turns out. Im not saying that a person can plan their life out so precisely that they always know wats going to happen. I do believe that the decisions a person makes in their everyday lives affects them in one way or another. We may not see the direct affects of that decision right away, but it affects us wheather we know it or not. Throughout my life people have told me that life is all about decisions. As I live my life I have come to agree with this statement. Some choices are harder than others but they all matter the same in the end. Mandella states that he is the master of his fate and the captain of his soul and I think he is right. On the other hand some people that grow up in poverty dont have some of the opprotunities that other people do. These people still make decisions about there life, but i believe they dont have as much control. In the end i think everything will work out but we can help the cause along the way.
ReplyDelete"We are the master of our fate
ReplyDeleteThe captian of our soul" is completely right. Everyone has the right to do whatever they want in their life time. So, if you make a bad decision ,then you are at fault. You will have to pay for your bad choices because you choose to do it. When you make good choices then will be rewarded, and you should be. Some people try to make other people feel like they are not control of thier lifes...but that is not true. NO one is in control of you. You have to think in the right state of mind when i say that though. That doesn't mean you can do whatever you want and no one can stop you, everything you do, will effect you. When someone tells you to do something, you can choose either to do it or not to. There will be consequences whatever you do no matter if its the right thing or not, but not all consequences are bad. The point is...you make it.
No one can control who you are. You are the captain of your soul and the master of your fate. No one can tell you how to live your life. You have to live your life and make your decisions. The coices you make will affect you later in your life. You will have some bad times in your life but it will be your choice to if you would like to overcome it. Being away from the bad things will help being a good person.
ReplyDelete"We are the master of our fate
ReplyDeleteThe Captian of our soul". This phrase is very true. Though there are some things in life that we can't control, a lot of things we can. We do have effect on our life by the decisions we make and the things we do. Many poeple feel like they will have a bad life just because they were raised or born into it, but we have the power to better ourselves and change our outcomes in life. So even though there are some things we cant change both negative and positive there are many choices that we can change and effect the way our life turns out.
I beleive that everyone can be the master of thier fate. It is like the poem we read in my freshmen year. It was called "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. There are many different ways a person can relate to this poem. The way I relate to this poem is that you decide with way to go. You could go the way that you can get a good job and be happy your whole life while still doing the right things and that will be the good way. You can also take the way that you can get a bad job and be horrible your whole life and get into drugs and all the bad things. One more exaple is like going to college and not going to colege. What ever happens it is up to you. Thats why I believe any person can choose there fate.
ReplyDeleteWe are in control of what happens to us in our lives. we are the masters of our fate. we are the captians of our soul. We control our actions wich determine the outcome of our lives. you decide what will happen to you. You can make the choice to to bad things and suffer the consquiences. Good things can happen in you are in control of your actions and do the right thing. you are the captin of yourself. No one else is in control of you. make good decisions and take control of your life. you are in control.
ReplyDeleteAs we live life we are faced with a lot of obstacles. Some being opportunities and others being challenges. We control the outcome of our lives and every action we make in the bigining will be followed by a reaction in the end. we each have our own different life to live, our own choices to make, our differnt "monkeys" to take care of. The way we live today will affect our life tomorrow. Life is like a painting and you are the artist. You paint the picture your way and you decide what you want to paint. If that painting is drawn with a negative attitude the painting will come out as a bad piece of art. But if you change your mentality and paint it with a positive attitude your painting will definately become a masterpeice. "We are the master of our fate, the captain of our soul" and only we can chose the path to our lives on our own.
ReplyDeleteI believe that people can choose how their life turns out. Because you we responsible for your own actions. Nobody forces you to do the things you do. So however your life turns out that you. "Your are the master of your fate the captain of your soul. There are many things thats you may do and you'll be like "oh why did I do that" but because you did you are the way are are. Never regret anything because all those things you have done is something you decide to do and nobody put a gun to your head forcing you to do it so why ccomplain?? Just remember that someone loves yyou because of who you are and what you've ddone!! You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul!
ReplyDeleteI believe people have the choice and power on how their own destiny turns out. You have the say in your own life no one else can make the choices for you only you can. The way your life ends up in the future will depend on your actions from the present " You're the master of your fate the captain of your soul." Those wise spoken words should stick with you forever even pass it on to your kids so they can learn and grow to be successful in life.
ReplyDeleteWe control our actions which decides the outcome of our fate. We are the master of our fate and the captain of our soul. Everyone makes mistakes and maybe some more than others, but absolutely every human being can change their lives around. Only you can control the decisions you make. When you find yourself going down the wrong path, you can always set things aside and turn around. You have the choice and power over your destiny. It may not be easy to overcome some issues but YOU CAN. When you want something to happen you can not just clap your hands and expect it to happen. You yourself have to prepare and change. All people do is sit around and dream all day acting like such things are impossible. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WHEN YOU STICK YOU MIND TO IT. Never ever let go of your dreams and always be ready to take on newer and better things to be succesful in life. "You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul."
ReplyDeleteI believe we can control the outcome of our life. Like the picture above, he can guide the road where he chooses; He chooses the curves, the hills, the caves, and even the bridges that it may have to cross. We control the way our lives are guided by our actions and our reactions and the concequences that follow are all based upon how you look at the right way to go or the "flow" of things. You judge the way you want to lead your life, and your fate is the result of the choices. The man above chooses to keep his road nice and straight, having no hills to climb, no bridges to pass, and no caves to wander through. The same applies to you; Do you choose the easy way or the thrilling way? The low stakes or the high stakes? The safe route or the dangerous route? It all depends on how you look at your steps, your mindset, and your goals... "You are the master of your fate... You are the captain of your soul."
ReplyDeleteI do think that everyone can do something about how their life turns out. If you think about doing something negative that you know will have a bad effect on your life, then don't do it. If everyone thought about what they did before they do it then their lifes would be different. Everyone makes mistakes in their life though thats what makes it life. You have to learn from the mistakes and not make them again. Life has alot of bumps in the road, but you have to overcome them and keep on going. You are the master of your own fate. No one else!
ReplyDeleteI believe that everyone makes choices on how their life turns out. Some people make bad choices and some make good. The people that make good choices have great lives and the people that make bad choices have horrible lives. The good people most likely have what they want and make a good living. While the bad people probably live in jail or are on the streets. No matter what choices you make in life you decide your faith. In this world there are some bad people that do bad things. Then there are some good people that do good things. No matter what you choose you choose your faith. You are the master of your fate. You are the captian of your soul.
ReplyDeleteLife is like a road full of obstacles along the way, on some days we free sail and on others we are met by a load of pot holes. How we react to these obstacles or choices will ultimately affect our fate if its for a day or even years.
ReplyDeleteI believe that you are the master of your fate because everyday a person is met by many choices, some difficult others easy. The choice we make can either lead us down a wide path or a narrow load that can change our lives for days or even years. When we are the captains of our soul, we can choose what we think and and say to others. Noone can guide our actions or thoughts in our minds, those are our total responsibility. How you use you words and actions to benefit others can help or hinder your fate. Even though you aren't the designer for the plans of your life, there are important everyday choices that could ultimately decide your fate.
I believe that everyone can decide how their life turns out. We all make decisions, some are good and some are bad. Everyday we overcome obstacles that make us stronger. Our actions decide our fate and what is to become of us. Making a bad choice, only makes us stronger and willing to make up for it. Making choices is sometimes going to be difficult and sometimes going to be easy. Our fate is up to us. We decide the way our life is made. Every decision we make affects the rest of our lives. We are the master of our fate. We are the captain of our soul.
ReplyDeleteI believe everyone can determine how their life turns out. We go through obstacles everyday that will either make you or break you. You have the say in your life no one makes the choices for you. We make decisions in our life that could be good or bad. Our fate is up to us and we make choices that could affect the rest of ourlives. The choices you make can let you have a good future or bad future." We are the master of our fate. We are the captian of our soul."
ReplyDeleteI believe that being the master of our fate and the caption of our soul is definitely the truth. On a regular basis, we are all challenged with having to make the right decisions and choices. Every wrong decision that is made, is just as important as if a right one were to be made. No matter what it is, you are still deciding how your life will eventually turn out to be. Everybody lives with consequences that are put upon themselves. It is then their option to decide how those consequences will turn out to become. "If God put you to it, He can put you through it." This is also a way of showing that no matter how hard things may get, you always have to stand in what you believe in and remain strong, no matter what. I fully believe that everything happens for a reason. In the poem Invictous, the writer allows the reader to understand that no matter how many twists and turns life will throw at you, you will always be the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.
ReplyDeleteThere is no denying we are in control of our lives. For example, there is no supernatural force forceing you to do things. This shows that you are completely responsible for the decisions you make. This also shows that you would be wise to make the right decisions. Furthermore, the outcome of our lives is totally dependent on the choices we have made and will make. This shows that all the good or bad choices will add up and show you the reason of your outcome in life. This also shows that your decisions can take you places that you never thought you could go. The picture above is a great representation of how we live our lives. It shows how we can pave our own way to success. It also shows that your future depends souly on your life choices. In conclusion, this picture explains to us this simple fact: "I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul."
ReplyDeleteYou can not deny that we are the captain of our fate. Every decision we make has a consequence, no matter if it's bad or good. The decisions we make now as teenagers will help us grow as adults in the future. The path we set now as young adults are easier to redo. As for the paths we set as adults are harder or nearly impossible to redo. No matter what I am the master of my fate. People may peer pressure me into going a different path but I will set my own, always.