Monday, October 31, 2011

Quick Write 10/31 What Gives Life Purpose?

Think of a person you know or have read about who has lead a life you truly admire.

How has this person made a difference in the world?

Describe his or her impact on family, community or country in a well-developed paragraph.

Proof your writing, look for grammar and spelling errors before you post your comment. Be sure to support your answers with proof and/or commentary.

This is due before midnight 11/8/11

Friday, October 21, 2011

10/21 Topic for Quick write

The topic of quickwrite today is:

Do you believe that at Bellville High School the students should be issued either a laptop computer or an Ipad to help with the learning environment.

Write 3 paragraphs in correct format.

Giving examples of which device you think would work best in the classroom. How would this process help you when you leave Bellville High School. Would you be willing as a student to help get this process started at Bellville High School.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BHS 2011-2012 English III G. Waller

The blog will be used by the students of Bellville High School that are currently in English III. If a students have a question on homework or assignments please post questions to this blog.

Students will need to become 'followers' of this blog.